How to make an impression.

“Whatever makes an impression on that child seeks expression” - Pennie Brownlee

Creativity always comes from the inside. Children don’t need ideas on how to do it. What they need are the materials with which to do it, with which to make their own unique expression. So how do we understand what children need to continue their own unique expression? I recommend, when they are little, to have a space in the home where they can find materials to support play. Here you will learn to understand what materials make an impression on your child’s inner world. Sit back, oberseve and enjoy!

Materials could include:

  • Different coloured wool,

  • Sticky tapes, glues etc

  • Paper, all different kinds eg. newspaper, coloured paper, cardboard

  • Nature -sticks, shells, flowers, leaves, gum nuts

  • Containers, little boxes, big boxes

  • Transporting tools eg. trolley’s, prams, pushers

  • Building blocks

  • Different Colours of materails - for sensory play and sorting

  • Beads for threading, rolling and collecting (not for little ones)

As guides in children’s lives, it’s our job to make our days with them interesting & Impressionable. Play interesting music, use different smells, textures and make it look beautiful. You can also offer rituals like, lighting a candle at meal times, mindful cards before bed, gathering flowers for the table. See if that sparks interest. Always look for the spark and move from that space.

How can we ask a child to draw a Elephant if that elephant has not made an impression on them. Children will not get involved unless it’s made an impression. It needs to touch there inner world first.

Can you think of time when you and a little one were so immersed in play?

How did it feel? Did it make an impression on your inner world?

And did the little one want to play like that the next day they saw you?

This is the type of play, as a teacher, a Nanny or an Educator should expand on.

This is impressional play. If it touched your soul it probably touched theirs too.

I love this list of experiences and play urges for babies and toddlers by Pennie Brownlee:


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